導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 可可香奈兒電影簡短英文介紹


發布時間:2024-03-28 05:37:14

A. 可可香奈兒英文簡介

Coco Before Chanel (French: Coco avant Chanel) is a 2009 French film directed by Anne Fontaine, about the life of the famed French fashion designer Coco Chanel.

The film was released in April 2009 in France and went on to international release. As of November 30, 2009, it has grossed $34,913,844 worldwide.[1]

The film is currently in limited release by Sony Pictures Classics in the United States (L.A, Chicago and New York), but will be more widely released in the coming months
Several years after leaving the orphanage to which her father never returned for her, Gabrielle Chanel finds herself working in a provincial bar both. She's both a seamstress for the performers and a singer, earning the nickname Coco from the song she sings nightly with her sister. A liaison with Baron Balsan gives her an entree into French society and a chance to develop her gift for designing increasingly popular hats. When she falls in love with English businessman Arthur Capel further opportunities open up, though life becomes ever more complicated.
Anne Fontaine sticks to the remit in this biopic by ignoring the Chanel that most of us are familiar with, i.e. the world-leading brand name in world couture. Instead we get an idiosyncratic, occasionally dramatic but strangely lightweight account of Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel's formative years as a cabaret act on the run. Audrey Tatou's compelling but unsympathetic Coco insinuates herself into the company of a moneyed aristocrat (Poelvoorde's Étienne Balsan). Fontaine's camera follows her as she see-saws between the hungry absorption of timeless country style in her surroundings and creative repulsion towards the glazed bourgeoisie whom she must suffer.

The only real issue with this film is that most of the its drama only comes from knowing who the protagonist goes on to become. There is next to no mention of Chanel's postwar success and influence. Instead we get the only real styling howler of the film - using contemporary models for a 'catwalk' show that's meant to be no later than the mid-1960s - and a text afterword of bious use. It's competently, reverently assembled though.

B. 《香奈兒的故事》電影

閉幕片:《香奈兒與斯特拉文斯基的秘密故事》Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky -法國


簡·庫恩 Jan Kounen


麥德斯·米科爾森 Mads Mikkelsen

安娜·莫格拉莉絲 Anna Mouglalis

安納托·陶布曼 Anatole Taubman


傳記片永遠是電影的熱門題材,時尚教母香奈兒的故事在今年的法國絕對是大熱門,《時尚先鋒香奈兒》、《香奈兒》(電視劇)和《香奈兒與斯特拉文斯基的秘密故事》三部作品絕對可以讓不熟悉她的人稱為「時尚專家」。影片著力描寫了服裝師設計師香奈兒與俄國作曲家Stravinsky Igor 間的炙熱愛情

C. 法國chanel英文簡介

Chanel is a French luxury brand founded by Coco Chanel in Paris in 1910.

The brand has a wide range of procts, including clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, skin care procts, perfume and so on.

The fashion design of the brand is elegant, concise and exquisite.

In the 1940s, it succeeded in pushing women's clothes with "big bundles" into simple and comfortable designs.


香奈兒(Chanel)是法國奢侈品牌,創始人是Coco Chanel於1910年在巴黎創立。該品牌產品種類繁多,包括服裝、珠寶飾品、化妝品、護膚品、香水等。該品牌的時尚設計優雅、簡潔、精緻。在20世紀40年代,它成功地將「五花大綁」的女裝推向簡單舒適的設計。



香奈兒 (CHANEL) 創辦人可可·香奈兒(Coco Chanel) 小姐,原名 「Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel 」 ,1883年出生於法國的Auvergne。

1910年,Coco在巴黎開設了一家女裝帽店子 (millinery shop),憑著非凡的針線技巧,縫制出一頂又一頂款式簡潔耐看的帽子。

1914年,可可·香奈兒(Coco Chanel) 開設了兩家時裝店,影響後世深遠的時裝品牌「Chanel」宣告正式誕生。



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