导航:首页 > 音乐图片 > 瓦力机器电影的音乐


发布时间:2021-08-08 17:16:54

① 求电影<wall-e>机器人总动员/机器人瓦力 里面的一首插曲

法文:La vie en rose中文名称《玫瑰人生》,搜狗音乐里能搜索到,小野丽莎的版本也不错,不过还是没男声的好听,男声由路易斯。阿姆斯特朗演唱

② 机器人瓦力 电影原声~~~20分~~~~


③ 《机器人瓦力》这部电影中瓦力听的那首歌的名字什么英文

Put On Your Sunday Clothes

④ 求迪斯尼电影 瓦力 中出现过的音乐

迪斯尼3D巨作《Wall·E 机器人总动员》电影原声

专辑名称:WALL·E 机器人总动员
艺 术 家:Thomas Newman等
唱片公司:Walt Disney Records

1. Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford & Company
2. 2815 A.D.- Thomas Newman
3. Wall-E - Thomas Newman
4. The Spaceship - Thomas Newman
5. EVE - Thomas Newman
6. Thrust - Thomas Newman
7. Bubble Wrap - Thomas Newman
8. La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong
9. Eye Surgery - Thomas Newman
10. Worry Wait - Thomas Newman
11. First Date - Thomas Newman
12. Eve Retrieve - Thomas Newman
13. The Axiom - Thomas Newman
14. BNL - Thomas Newman
15. Foreign Contaminant - Thomas Newman
16. Repair Ward - Thomas Newman
17. 72 Degrees and Sunny - Thomas Newman
18. Typing Bot - Thomas Newman
19. Septuacentennial - Thomas Newman
20. Gopher - Thomas Newman
21. Wall-E's Pod Adventure - Thomas Newman
22. Define Dancing - Thomas Newman
23. No Splashing No Diving - Thomas Newman
24. All That Love's About - Thomas Newman
25. M-O - Thomas Newman
26. Directive A-113 - Thomas Newman
27. Mutiny! - Thomas Newman
28. Fixing Wall-E - Thomas Newman
29. Rogue Robots - Thomas Newman
30. March of the Gels - Thomas Newman
31. Tilt - Thomas Newman
32. The Holo-Detector - Thomas Newman
33. Hyperjump - Thomas Newman
34. Desperate Eve - Thomas Newman
35. Static - Thomas Newman
36. It Only Takes a Moment - Michael Crawford
37. Down to Earth - Peter Gabriel
38. Horizon 12.2 - Thomas Newman

36.It Only Takes A Moment
Michael Crawford
And that is all
that loves about
and we racall
when time runs out
that is only took a moment
to be in love
a whole life long...

⑤ 《机器人总动员》里开头瓦力放的那首歌叫什么

迪斯尼3D巨作《Wall·E 机器人总动员》电影原声

专辑名称:WALL·E 机器人总动员
艺 术 家:Thomas Newman等
唱片公司:Walt Disney Records

1. Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford & Company
2. 2815 A.D.- Thomas Newman
3. Wall-E - Thomas Newman
4. The Spaceship - Thomas Newman
5. EVE - Thomas Newman
6. Thrust - Thomas Newman
7. Bubble Wrap - Thomas Newman
8. La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong
9. Eye Surgery - Thomas Newman
10. Worry Wait - Thomas Newman
11. First Date - Thomas Newman
12. Eve Retrieve - Thomas Newman
13. The Axiom - Thomas Newman
14. BNL - Thomas Newman
15. Foreign Contaminant - Thomas Newman
16. Repair Ward - Thomas Newman
17. 72 Degrees and Sunny - Thomas Newman
18. Typing Bot - Thomas Newman
19. Septuacentennial - Thomas Newman
20. Gopher - Thomas Newman
21. Wall-E's Pod Adventure - Thomas Newman
22. Define Dancing - Thomas Newman
23. No Splashing No Diving - Thomas Newman
24. All That Love's About - Thomas Newman
25. M-O - Thomas Newman
26. Directive A-113 - Thomas Newman
27. Mutiny! - Thomas Newman
28. Fixing Wall-E - Thomas Newman
29. Rogue Robots - Thomas Newman
30. March of the Gels - Thomas Newman
31. Tilt - Thomas Newman
32. The Holo-Detector - Thomas Newman
33. Hyperjump - Thomas Newman
34. Desperate Eve - Thomas Newman
35. Static - Thomas Newman
36. It Only Takes a Moment - Michael Crawford
37. Down to Earth - Peter Gabriel
38. Horizon 12.2 - Thomas Newman

It only takes a moment 男女对唱的


Put On Your Sunday Clothes Michael Crawford 主题曲


⑥ 机器人瓦力 插曲


1. Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford & Company
2. 2815 A.D.
3. Wall-E
4. The Spaceship
5. EVE
6. Thrust
7. Bubble Wrap
8. La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong
9. Eye Surgery
10. Worry Wait
11. First Date
12. Eve Retrieve
13. The Axiom
14. BNL
15. Foreign Contaminant
16. Repair Ward
17. 72 Degrees and Sunny
18. Typing Bot
19. Septuacentennial
20. Gopher
21. Wall-E's Pod Adventure
22. Define Dancing
23. No Splashing No Diving
24. All That Love's About
25. M-O
26. Directive A-113
27. Mutiny!
28. Fixing Wall-E
29. Rogue Robots
30. March of the Gels
31. Tilt
32. The Holo-Detector
33. Hyperjump
34. Desperate Eve
35. Static
36. It Only Takes a Moment - Michael Crawford
37. Down to Earth - Peter Gabriel
38. Horizon 12.2

⑦ 电影Wall-E中,瓦力的那卷录像带,那一段音乐叫什么

看过《机器人总动员》的一定忘不了一开始的那首Put On Your Sunday Clothes,这首歌选自的《你好多莉》,是本片导演安德鲁斯坦顿的首次银幕作品

⑧ 电影<机器人瓦力>中的音乐

我只知道其中有一首叫做《My prayer》,希望你可以采纳,谢谢

⑨ 《机器人瓦力》里的舰长站起来时的背景音乐是什么名字

迪斯尼3D巨作《Wall·E 机器人总动员》电影原声

专辑名称:WALL·E 机器人总动员
艺 术 家:Thomas Newman等
唱片公司:Walt Disney Records

1. Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford & Company
2. 2815 A.D.- Thomas Newman
3. Wall-E - Thomas Newman
4. The Spaceship - Thomas Newman
5. EVE - Thomas Newman
6. Thrust - Thomas Newman
7. Bubble Wrap - Thomas Newman
8. La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong
9. Eye Surgery - Thomas Newman
10. Worry Wait - Thomas Newman
11. First Date - Thomas Newman
12. Eve Retrieve - Thomas Newman
13. The Axiom - Thomas Newman
14. BNL - Thomas Newman
15. Foreign Contaminant - Thomas Newman
16. Repair Ward - Thomas Newman
17. 72 Degrees and Sunny - Thomas Newman
18. Typing Bot - Thomas Newman
19. Septuacentennial - Thomas Newman
20. Gopher - Thomas Newman
21. Wall-E's Pod Adventure - Thomas Newman
22. Define Dancing - Thomas Newman
23. No Splashing No Diving - Thomas Newman
24. All That Love's About - Thomas Newman
25. M-O - Thomas Newman
26. Directive A-113 - Thomas Newman
27. Mutiny! - Thomas Newman
28. Fixing Wall-E - Thomas Newman
29. Rogue Robots - Thomas Newman
30. March of the Gels - Thomas Newman
31. Tilt - Thomas Newman
32. The Holo-Detector - Thomas Newman
33. Hyperjump - Thomas Newman
34. Desperate Eve - Thomas Newman
35. Static - Thomas Newman
36. It Only Takes a Moment - Michael Crawford
37. Down to Earth - Peter Gabriel
38. Horizon 12.2 - Thomas Newman


⑩ 求电影机器人瓦力中的经常出现的那首背景音乐

  1. Put On Your Sunday Clothes - Michael Crawford & Company
    2. 2815 A.D.
    3. Wall-E
    4. The Spaceship
    5. EVE
    6. Thrust
    7. Bubble Wrap
    8. La Vie En Rose - Louis Armstrong
    9. Eye Surgery
    10. Worry Wait
    11. First Date
    12. Eve Retrieve
    13. The Axiom
    14. BNL
    15. Foreign Contaminant
    16. Repair Ward
    17. 72 Degrees and Sunny
    18. Typing Bot
    19. Septuacentennial
    20. Gopher
    21. Wall-E's Pod Adventure
    22. Define Dancing
    23. No Splashing No Diving
    24. All That Love's About
    25. M-O
    26. Directive A-113
    27. Mutiny!
    28. Fixing Wall-E
    29. Rogue Robots
    30. March of the Gels
    31. Tilt
    32. The Holo-Detector
    33. Hyperjump
    34. Desperate Eve
    35. Static
    36. It Only Takes a Moment - Michael Crawford
    37. Down to Earth - Peter Gabriel
    38. Horizon 12.2




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