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㈠ 《風車慘案》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1nlnH_hLXeBUednLrjpsjdg

?pwd=khd8 提取碼: khd8
導演: Nick Jongerius
編劇: Nick Jongerius
主演: 諾亞·泰勒、夏洛特·布魯蒙特、帕特里克·巴拉迪、Fiona Hampton、本·巴特、亞當·懷特、Tanroh Ishida、巴特·克萊文
類型: 劇情、恐怖
製片國家/地區: 荷蘭
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2016-09-24(荷蘭)
片長: 85分鍾
又名: The Windmill
Jennifer is an Australian girl on the run from her past who washes up in Amsterdam. In a desperate attempt to stay one step ahead of the authorities, she joins a coach-load of tourists embarking on a tour of Holland's world famous windmills. When the bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, she and the other tourists are forced to seek shelter in a disused shed beside a sinister windmill where, legend has it, a Devil-worshiping miller once ground the bones of locals instead of grain. As members of the group start to disappear, Jennifer learns that they all have something in common - a shared secret that seems to mark them all for doom.

㈡ 2011國產電視劇《風車》迅雷下載資源

中文名: 風車

製片地區: 中國大陸

導演: 孔笙

主演: 李晨,小宋佳,楊立新,霍思燕,韓童生,章齡之,吳曉亮

集數: 38

類型: 情感 家庭 劇情

上映時間: 2011年4月5日




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