导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 哪家电影院是最舒适的英文


发布时间:2021-08-17 15:36:25

❶ 英语翻译最好的电影院是哪家

What is the best cinema?

❷ 那家电影院有最舒适的座位 英文

Which cinema has the most comfortable seats?
【哪家】 【电影院】 【有】 【最舒适的】 【座位】 ?

❸ 这家电影院有最舒服的座位( comfortable)翻译成英语

this film has the most comfortable seats

❹ 最好的电影院是哪家用英语是Which还是What提问为什么

Which is the best cinema?

Which cinema is the best ?

Which one of the cinemas is the best ?

Which of the cinemas is the best ?

❺ 哪个电影院有最舒适的座位的英语

movie theater

❻ 这里最好的电影院是哪个呃……电影世界.那里的座位是使人舒服的.翻译成英语,

—— Which cinema is the best here?
—— Um,the Movie World.The seats there are comfortable.

❼ 英语翻译句子,对了加分 1。哪个电影院有最舒服的座位 2.你应该告诉他买不同的衣服。

Which cinema have the most comfortable seats?

You should tell him to buy different clothes.

❽ 英语翻译句子,1.哪个电影院有最舒服的座

Which cinemas have the most comfortable seats

❾ 那家电影院有最舒服的座位 英文

That cinema has the most comfortable seat

❿ 英语翻译:它是这座城市里最舒适的电影院

It is the most comfortable movie theater in the city



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