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发布时间:2024-04-17 03:00:55

⑴ 关于最喜欢的电影的英语作文80词

My favorite movie
Everyone will have their own favorite movies, and I am no exception. My favorite movie is the apostle.
The play is about zhuokai looking for five undercover agents and eradicating the black police. The reason why I like this play is that it has wonderful fighting scenes and some funny clips.
Our family will watch the play on time every week. We all like to watch "the apostles". In the end, the Secretary of security posted the identity of the undercover agent on the Internet. Those little gangsters were about to pursue and kill the undercover agent of the police. The scene was very exciting.
Besides, the actors in it are very good at acting. Therefore, I like this play very much, and it is also recognized as a good movie.

⑵ 关于喜爱电影类型讨论的英语作文

Last week we discussed the sorts of films.
Most students thinked that action movie was very stimulating and attractive.
Two-thirds of us thinked that comedy could make people happy and relaxed.
All of us considered that science-fiction movie was full abundant imagination,and it would let us dream about the future.
Though only a few students loved documentary,most of us agreeed that documentary could make us know about the truth about the past to fill our knowledge.
I thinked every kind of the films had its own advantages and harm.
But I liked comedy most,because it often make me be physically and mentally healthy .
Do you agree with me?

⑶ 英语作文 你喜欢什么类型的电影为什么带翻译

My Favorite Movie(Twilight)I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.
我非常喜欢看电影。我最喜欢的电影是暮光之城之暮色。讲的是吸血鬼和人类之间的唯美的爱情故事。主角是爱德华和贝拉。他们无可救药的爱上对方。爱德华是一个活了数百年的吸血鬼,而贝拉只是一个普通的高中生。他们是同学。当贝拉知道爱德华是吸血鬼时,她还是顶着方方面面的压力选择爱他。而爱德华也选择不惜一切代价来保护贝拉。这就是他们爱情的开始。I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.

⑷ 写一遍关于我最喜欢的电影类型(科幻)的英语作文

Hi, I am... I have many hobbies, such as playing basketball, badminton, taking a walk.
I also like watching movies, I like to read science fiction movies, I think the science fiction movies of the device is novel,is also very advanced, the sci-fi film effect is also very good, in a science fiction movie, I compare like "Transformers",which was about the from Cybertron planet robot, and also from Cebota against the enemy. The representative of justice is to Optimus Prime led the Autobots, representatives of evil is a Decepticon Megatron led.


⑸ 我喜欢的电影类型的英语作文,80词以上的,

Movie is essential to our life. action movie is very stimulating and attractive,comedy could make people happy and relaxed,documentary could make us know about the truth about the past to fill our knowledge and science-fiction movie is full of abundant imagination,and it would help us look forward to the future.
In my opion every kind of the films had its own advantages and disadvantages.But I like comedy most,because it often make me be physically and mentally healthy .Do you agree with me?

⑹ 初中关于看电影的种类英语作文带翻译

Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free.Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too.Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical.This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl.Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical.In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending.I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much.Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.
我喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。我非常喜欢英语,因此英语电影也是我喜欢看的。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez。他们要一起主演学校的音乐剧。在这个过程中,发生了一系列的故事,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影的原因是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分羡慕。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。

⑺ 我最喜欢的电影英语作文带翻译





My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15,1912 ,the Titanic had an accident on the way to America .Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad.Ilove this film very much.







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